2020 Annual STAR XML Release

Standards for Technology in Automotive Retail (STAR), the global information technology (IT) standards body for retail automotive and related industries, has released the new major version of its 2020 Business Object Documents repository.
STAR has worked with its members to develop and enhance over 200 XML message formats covering over 35 business areas from customer relationship management to fixed and variable operations.
The STAR XML repository continues to be actively modified and developed by the membership.
This year STAR and its Members are focusing efforts on two core strategies that are part of the STAR 2020 project – refactoring the existing STAR standard XML BOD architecture and in parallel, plans for completion of the first STAR JSON open API interfaces
STAR’s original charter was to support the retail automotive industry, however, in recent years it has expanded its support effectively demonstrating value in related industries including:
Medium & Heavy-duty Trucks
Construction Equipment
Enhancements to Business Object Documents (BOD) were made in the areas of Parts Order, Parts Pricing, CRM, Sales Lead, and Finance. You may download the 2020 STAR BOD Change Report for details.
STAR and its Members have also continued making improvements to the Dealer Infrastructure And Security Guidelines.
For more information about the latest release, please visit the STAR XML Release page.
If you have any questions about this release or would like to learn about the benefits of becoming a STAR, please contact:
Paco Escobar at pescobar@starstandard.org